In shift, US Backs Global Target to Reduce Plastic Production

August 15, 2024, 05.25 AM | Source: Reuters
In shift, US Backs Global Target to Reduce Plastic Production

ILUSTRASI. Foto udara kondisi asap sisa kebakaran TPS (Tempat Pembuangan Sampah) Ilegal disamping Tol Cibitung-Cilincing, Desa Sumber Jaya, Tambun Utara, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Senin (25/9/2023). Menurut petugas pemadam kebakaran asap sisa kebakaran yang didominasi sampah plastik sudah terjadi sejak Sabtu (23/9), saat ini proses pendinginan terkendala armada mobil serta escavator untuk memindahkan sampah. ANTARA FOTO/ Fakhri Hermansyah/Spt.

GREEN BUSINESS - WASHINGTON - The United States, one of the world's biggest plastic makers, will support a global treaty calling for a reduction in how much new plastic is produced each year in a major policy shift, a source close to U.S. negotiators told Reuters on Wednesday.

The change away from its earlier calls to leave such decisions up to each country puts the U.S. in direct opposition to countries like Saudi Arabia and China.

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