Hong Kong's richest man donate US$ 5 million for Palu-Donggala disaster relief

October 08, 2018, 05.00 AM  | Reporter: Barratut Taqiyyah Rafie
Hong Kong's richest man donate US$ 5 million for Palu-Donggala disaster relief

NATURAL DISASTER/ EARTHQUAKE - JAKARTA. CK Hutchison Holdings and Li Ka Shing Foundation, a company and foundation established by Hong Kong’s richest man and philantropist, Li Ka Shing, donates US$2 million and US$3 million respectively (for a total of US$ 5 million) to support the affected people in Palu and Donggala disasters. Last week, Palu and Donggala in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia had been hit by a tsunami following a 7.4 magnitude earthquake.

This donation announced on Friday (10/5) by the Minister of Finance during the launch of SDG Indonesia One, an integrated collaborative funding platform to support infrastructure development that aims to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia. The Government of Indonesia through Ministry of Finance mandates PT Sarana Mitra Infrastructure (SMI) to form and manage the platform.

PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (PT SMI) is an Indonesian state-owned enterprise, wholly owned by the Ministry of Finance whose mandate is to accelerate the infrastructure development in Indonesia.

"Mr Li Ka Shing, Mr Victor Li and our colleagues at CK Hutchison and Li Ka Shing Foundation are greatly saddened by the natural disaster that struck Palu and Donggala last week. We are keen to assist the affected people through this challenging times. As there are many areas in need, both organizations believe that PT SMI, whose under Indonesian Ministry of Finance, is the right channel to direct the donation and deliver the aid to the victims in the affected areas the quickest,” Rianti Ang, a representative of CK Hutschison and Li Ka Shing Foundation, who is also the CEO of Hutchison Port Indonesia said.

The donation that is given by Li Ka Shing Foundation and CK Hutchison will be part of PT SMI’s Sustainable Developments Goals Indonesia One.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani in her speech mentioned that “We will cooperate with BNPB (National Disaster Mitigation Agency). I ask PT SMI to be transparent and accountable on this.”

Sri Mulyani also mentioned that she really appreciates the donation for rehabilitating Palu following the earthquake and tsunami.

Donation from Li Ka Shing Foundation and CK Hutchison will be utilized to provide support to thousands of people affected by the natural disaster and also rehabilitation and reconstruction in the affected areas so that people can return to their normal activities.

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Editor: Barratut Taqiyyah Rafie
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