Gudang Garam’s license for charter flights approved

March 15, 2011, 01.58 PM  | Reporter: Edy Can
Gudang Garam’s license for charter flights approved

ILUSTRASI. Dirjen Pajak Suryo Utomo di Jakarta, Selasa (11/02). KONTAN/Fransiskus Simbolon

JAKARTA. PT Gudang Garam Tbk (GGRM) has obtained a license for its aircraft company called Surya Air, a transportation official says.

Director general of Air Transportation Herry Bakti Singayudha Gumay said in Jakarta that he had signed the license for Surya Air last week.

Surya Air would need to apply for the air operator certificate for charter flights, he said on Tuesday. “It has a thorough business plan and we have approved it,” he said.

Djoko Murjatmodjo, head of the Subdirectorate for Business Development, said that the Kediri-based Surya Air had three helicopters of EC 135 and BK 117.

He added that the government earlier this year issued a license for Ersa Eastern Aviation, which had three BELL 206 helicopter units and a PAC 750 for charter flights based in Wamena and Nabire Papua. (The Jakarta Post)

Editor: Edy Can

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