FOREX - Dollar Firm as Fed Officials Urge Patience on Rate Cuts

May 22, 2024, 05.53 AM | Source: Reuters
FOREX - Dollar Firm as Fed Officials Urge Patience on Rate Cuts

ILUSTRASI. FOREX - Dollar Firm as Fed Officials Urge Patience on Rate Cuts. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration/File Photo

FOREX - NEW YORK, May 21 (Reuters) - The U.S. dollar edged up against the euro on Tuesday, as Federal Reserve policymakers said it is prudent for the U.S. central bank to wait several more months to ensure that inflation really is back on a path to the 2% target before commencing interest rate cuts.

Against other currencies, the greenback was mostly flat ahead of the U.S. Memorial Day holiday next week.

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Editor: Hasbi Maulana
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