Finally, Surya Paloh Clarifies Meeting with President Joko Widodo

February 23, 2024, 08.06 PM | Source:
Finally, Surya Paloh Clarifies Meeting with President Joko Widodo

ILUSTRASI. Finally, Surya Paloh Clarifies Meeting with President Joko Widodo.

POLITIK - JAKARTA. In a recent statement, Surya Paloh, the Chairman of the Nasdem Party, shed light on his meeting with President Joko Widodo at the State Palace in Jakarta on Sunday evening, February 18, 2024.

Paloh categorically denied any invitation from President Joko Widodo to prompt the Nasdem Party’s departure from the Coalition for Change and its potential alignment with the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming camp.

“Ah, there hasn’t been any such invitation,” asserted Paloh during an interview at Wisma Nusantara, Jakarta, on Friday, February 23, 2024.

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He emphasized that Nasdem remains firmly within the Coalition for Change, which staunchly supports the Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar ticket.

“We haven’t received any such overtures,” Paloh clarified.

The conversation between Paloh and Jokowi did not yield any formal agreements. Instead, they focused on post-election scenarios and the prevailing societal conditions.

“We kept it light,” Paloh explained. “We discussed dinner plans and exchanged thoughts on the current state of affairs, developments, and the everyday realities faced by our citizens.”

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The timing of Paloh’s meeting with Jokowi, just four days after the presidential election, sparked speculation within the Coalition for Change.

Paloh acknowledged that he faced similar inquiries during subsequent meetings with Anies-Muhaimin, as well as with Salim Segaf Aljufri and Ahmad Syaikhu, the Chairman of the Majelis Syuro and the Chairman of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), respectively.

The Nasdem Party continues to navigate the intricate political landscape, and Paloh’s clarification provides insight into the delicate dynamics shaping Indonesia’s post-election scenario.

This article has been published on with the title "Surya Paloh Buka Suara soal Pertemuan dengan Jokowi"

Editor: Hasbi Maulana

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