
Fed's Bostic Says Inflation Moving in Right Direction, Sees One Q4 Rate Cut

June 27, 2024, 09.33 PM | Source: Reuters
Fed's Bostic Says Inflation Moving in Right Direction, Sees One Q4 Rate Cut

ILUSTRASI. Federal Reserve

FEDERAL RESERVE - WASHINGTON. Inflation in the U.S. "appears to be narrowing" and that should allow the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates later this year, Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic said in a policy essay released on Thursday.

After concern that inflation might stall at an elevated level, Bostic said recent data point to renewed progress, including the fact that the share of goods and services increasing at a greater than 5% annual rate had dipped below 20% - more akin to where it was before the COVID-19 pandemic and similar to the share seen when inflation was slowing fast last year.

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