Expansion, Supra Boga Lestari (RANC) Will Open 2 New Outlets in Jakarta and Semarang

May 23, 2024, 01.25 AM  | Reporter: Leni Wandira
Expansion, Supra Boga Lestari (RANC) Will Open 2 New Outlets in Jakarta and Semarang

ILUSTRASI. Pengunjung berbelanja menggunakan solusi omnichannel Blibli melalui fitur Click&Collect yang mengintegrasikan pengalaman belanja online dan offline di Farmers Market Tokyo HUB PIK 2, Tangerang, Banten, Sabtu (17/12/2022). PT Supra Boga Lestar Tbk (BEI: RANC) sebagai operator Farmers Market, kini mengoperasikan lebih dari 70 outlet supermarket di seluruh Indonesia. Akhir 2021 silam, PT Supra Boga Lestari Tbk telah resmi bergabung kedalam ekosistem omnichannel Blibli yang diharapkan berdampak positif terhadap pelayanan konsumen dan mitra bisnis. Dok. RANC

LISTED COMPANY - JAKARTA. PT Supra Boga Lestari Tbk, a retail issuer known as RANC, is planning to open two new stores in Jakarta and Semarang by 2024.

The announcement was made by RANC's CEO, Johartono Susilo, following the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPST) and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPSLB) for the fiscal year 2023 on Wednesday (22/5).

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"To strengthen and expand our market in Indonesia, we plan to expand our outlets by opening two stores in two different cities," Johartono told reporters.

RANC aims to have the two stores operational by the third quarter of 2024. To facilitate this expansion plan, RANC has set a capex of IDR 49.5 billion for 2024.

"The company plans to use this year's capex for the opening of new stores, as well as store renovations and equipment upgrades," he revealed.

According to him, 2024 presents a number of dynamics in the retail sector that are challenging and pose various business risks that require careful handling.

"RANC regularly conducts in-depth studies on strategic policies that can guide the company's sustainability while ensuring the interests of customers remain a priority," he concluded.


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