Eid al-Fitr Garuda Indonesia (GIAA) Optimistic Passenger Numbers to Increase by 30%

February 28, 2024, 10.50 PM  | Reporter: Amalia Nur Fitri
Eid al-Fitr Garuda Indonesia (GIAA) Optimistic Passenger Numbers to Increase by 30%

ILUSTRASI. Prospective passengers crowded into Terminal 3 of Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang, Banten, Tuesday (10/11/2020). Garuda Indonesia and Citilink airlines made adjustments to several flight schedules and implemented reschedule fee exemptions and ticket refunds for passengers affected by access congestion to Soekarno Hatta Airport on Tuesday (10/11/2020) morning. BETWEEN PHOTOS/Fauzan/aww

CORPORATE STRATEGIC - JAKARTA. Airline issuer, PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk. (GIAA) is confident that during this year's Eid moment, it can record a passenger growth of about 30% from regular days. 

Garuda Indonesia Tbk (GIAA) CEO Irfan Setiaputra said this projection is based on the projected recovery of the aviation industry post-pandemic globally throughout 2024 and positive growth at the Nataru 2023 moment.

"Of course, we see the prospect of the air transportation business rate recording a promising outlook. Specifically, we see the growth of Garuda Indonesia passengers in welcoming the momentum of national holidays, especially Eid holidays, showing positive growth," he said to Kontan, Wednesday (28/2). 

Previously, the Company recorded positive growth during the Nataru holiday momentum some time ago, where Garuda Indonesia as a Group transported about 71 thousand passengers at the peak of the Nataru 2023/2024 peak season. This figure increased by about 20% compared to the previous Nataru peak season. 

He continued, specifically for the Eid peak season momentum itself, in 2023 Garuda Indonesia as a group flew about 63 thousand passengers on the peak day of the Eid 2023 peak season. This figure increased by about 32% from the previous year, which recorded about 48 thousand passengers during the Eid 2022 peak season.

Looking at this record, Garuda Indonesia is optimistic in welcoming the momentum of the Eid 2024 peak season which is projected to record a significant increase in the number of passengers. 

"This is also strengthened by the IATA projection regarding the movement of air transport passengers globally which is predicted to break a record of 4.7 billion passengers throughout 2024," he added. 

He added, along with the increasing production capacity of GIAA as shown by the addition of the number of aircraft operated which also sees market demand, their current focus is to gradually start from next April to increase flight frequencies to various favorite destinations for domestic and international flight service users.

With the increasing frequency of flights on these favorite routes, Garuda hopes to provide more choices for service users in optimizing special moments with family and loved ones.

Garuda also provides and offers various discounts to welcome the 2024 Eid homecoming. They also cooperate with stakeholders, brands and other banks to organize this promotion. 

"Garuda Indonesia is always committed to providing air connectivity services that can be enjoyed by the wider community at competitive prices. We realize this commitment through the organization of various promotional programs such as SOTF and GOTF that can be accessed by the public offering a variety of flight ticket choices with discounts of up to 80% and various other added values," he said.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar

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