Disappointed! Jokowi's G20 Speech Says Climate Funding is Just Rhetoric

September 09, 2023, 08.58 PM  | Reporter: Syamsul Ashar
Disappointed! Jokowi's G20 Speech Says Climate Funding is Just Rhetoric

ILUSTRASI. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks during the first session of the G20 Summit, in New Delhi, India, Saturday, Sept. 9, 2023. Evan Vucci/Pool via REUTERS

G20 SUMMIT - JAKARTA. The G20 India high-level conference meeting on Saturday (9/9) in the first session raised the theme of One Earth. 

On the occasion to speak, President Joko Widodo criticized developed countries about real efforts to protect the earth that are only limited to rhetoric on paper.

Therefore, President Jokowi encourages the acceleration of the low-carbon economic transition as one of the efforts that can be made. 

"Unfortunately, the funding commitment of developed countries is still limited to rhetoric and on paper, whether it is climate funding of US$ 100 billion per year, or loss and damage funding facilities," Jokowi criticized as uploaded on his official Instagram account on Saturday (9/9).



A post shared by Joko Widodo (@jokowi)

The President invites the leaders of the G20 countries to take real action to protect the earth's sustainability.

"Our earth is sick. Last July, the world's temperature reached its highest point and is predicted to continue to rise in the next five years. This will be difficult to withstand unless the world massively and radically blocks it," he said.

The President reminded me at the G20 meeting last year in Bali, Indonesia, that he initiated the G20 Bali Global Blended Finance Alliance.

Indonesia itself has taken several real actions to protect the earth, among others, by efforts to suppress deforestation to mangrove restoration.

President Joko Widodo invites the leaders of the G20 countries to take real action to protect the sustainability of the earth. 

This was conveyed by the President in the first session meeting of the High-Level Conference (KTT) G20 India which raised the theme “One Earth” held at Bharat Mandapam, IECC, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India, on Saturday, September 9, 2023.

"We all have to walk the talk because we only have one earth,” said the President.

Furthermore, the President mentioned that the joint effort to protect the earth is because this earth belongs to all parties and of course to future generations.

“One earth, for everybody. "One earth", for us and our future generation,” concluded President Joko Widodo.

The Head of State stated that Indonesia has taken some real actions to protect the earth, among others, by efforts to suppress deforestation to mangrove restoration.

“Indonesia in 2022, has reduced emissions by 91.5 million tons. The deforestation rate is suppressed to 104 thousand hectares. Forests and land rehabilitated as wide as 77 thousand hectares and mangroves restored as wide as 34 thousand hectares,” explained the President.

In front of the leaders of the G20 countries, the President also invited all parties to be responsible and committed to preserving the earth's sustainability.

“Let's fulfill our shared responsibility and commitment to keep the earth sustainable,” the President invited.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar
Survei KG Media
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