Coal Stocks Uniformly Rise Prospects Remain Intact, Choices Include ADRO, ITMG & PTBA

July 25, 2024, 12.25 AM  | Reporter: Arfyana Citra Rahayu, Nur Qolbi
Coal Stocks Uniformly Rise Prospects Remain Intact, Choices Include ADRO, ITMG & PTBA

ILUSTRASI. Sebuah kapal tongkang bermuatan batu bara berlayar di Perairan Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat, Senin (24/6/2024). Kementerian ESDM menetapkan harga batu bara acuan (HBA) naik ke level 123 dolar AS per ton untuk Juni 2024 atau naik 7,84 persen, dibandingkan dengan bulan sebelumnya yaitu 114,06 dolar AS per ton pada Mei 2024. ANTARA FOTO/Jessica Wuysang

COAL - JAKARTA. Coal mining stocks have recently seen a unified surge in prices. The significant increase has been noticeable since the beginning of July 2024. 

The spike in coal mining stocks aligns with the rise in commodity prices. Looking ahead, even with relatively stable prices, the performance of issuers is predicted to remain relatively stable.

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