British Study: Ozempic Linked With Lower Dementia Risk

July 13, 2024, 01.01 AM | Source: Reuters
British Study: Ozempic Linked With Lower Dementia Risk

ILUSTRASI. Petugas Novo Nordisk Indonesia mengecek kadar gula dalam darah warga dalam layanan gratis memperingati Hari Diabetes Sedunia di Stasiun KA Tanah Abang, Jakarta, Minggu (14/11/2021). Selain memberikan layanan gratis, Hari Diabetes tersebut juga diperingati dengan memberikan edukasi tentang bahaya penyakit diabetes kepada warga. ANTARA FOTO/Aditya Pradana Putra/foc.

DIABETES - JAKARTA - Novo Nordisk's popular diabetes treatment Ozempic could be tied to a lower risk of cognitive problems, according to an observational study published by researchers at Oxford University.

The study, published in the Lancet's clinical medicine journal on Thursday, explored more than 100 million medical records of U.S. patients to see if Ozempic increased the risk of several neurological and psychiatric conditions in the first year of use compared with three common antidiabetic drugs.

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