Boost Revenue, IBOS Plans to Acquire FMCG and Biotechnology Companies

February 24, 2024, 12.35 PM  | Reporter: Sugeng Adji Soenarso
Boost Revenue, IBOS Plans to Acquire FMCG and Biotechnology Companies

ILUSTRASI. The?Mr Pawon restaurant is managed by a subsidiary of PT Indo Boga Sukses Tbk (IBOS) in Surabaya.

LISTED COMPANY - JAKARTA. PT Indo Boga Sukses Tbk (IBOS) as a holding and restaurant company plans to acquire a Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) company. In addition, the company will also acquire a biotechnology company based on seaweed.

IBOS CEO Edi Nugroho said the plan to acquire both companies is still in the early stages of due diligence. However, at this time IBOS cannot yet publish the acquisition value, as this plan is still in the early stages.

The first company targeted for acquisition is PT Javaindo Maju Sejahtera which has been producing various types of wafers with a variety of flavors and has entered the export market to several countries and the domestic market.

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The second company to be acquired by IBOS is PT Rote Karaginan Nusantara (RKN) which has been exporting the majority of its products to Europe and Latin America.

According to Edi, if the results of due diligence are as expected, then the decision for the next process will comply with OJK and BEI regulations related to acquisitions or takeovers of companies, including paying attention to OJK regulations that regulate material transactions and/or affiliate transactions.

Edi said, so far IBOS's revenue from the food and beverage segment continues to grow, in addition to fish trading which is also consistently on the rise.



At least, during the first six months in 2023, IBOS was able to record a total revenue of IDR 42.47 billion or grew by 16.8%.

The revenue from the F&B segment in the first semester of 2023 was IDR 13.66 billion, growing by 27.4%, the fish trading segment reached IDR 24.48 billion or increased by 15.1%, while the rest came from the room rental segment and other income.

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He is optimistic that IBOS's expansion strategy by acquiring Javaindo Maju Sejahtera will continuously drive the company's revenue.

"We are also exploring several opportunities to acquire companies whose business activities are in line with IBOS's business activities," he said in an official statement, Thursday (22/2).

Currently, IBOS, which is controlled by PT Goldman Investindo Sedaya, also has several subsidiaries besides PT Sofia Berkah Abadi, namely PT Kairos Sukses Indonesia which is engaged in the trade of alcoholic beverages, and PT Indo Nations Harvest in the field of fish freezing industry.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar

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