Boost Foreign Investment, Not Enough with Just Golden Visa and Family Office

July 29, 2024, 04.45 PM  | Reporter: Vendy Yhulia Susanto
Boost Foreign Investment, Not Enough with Just Golden Visa and Family Office

ILUSTRASI. Peluang Investasi: Dari kiri: Head of Research Emerging Markets & Asia Pacific Deutsche Bank Sameer Goel, Managing Partner Verdhana Sekuritas, Heriyanto Irawan, Presiden Direktur PT. Mandiri Manajemen Investasi Aliyahdin Saugi dan Direktur Surat Utang Negara (SUN) Direktorat Jenderal Pengolahan Pembiayaan dan Risiko Kemenkeu Deni Ridwan usai diskusi Market Outlook 2023 di Jakarta, Kamis (16/03/2023). kondisi positif di sektor makro ekonomi membuati Indonesia menjadi tempat yang cukup diminati untuk berinvestasi. Hal tersebut terbukti Indonesia tahun lalu mampu mencatatkan kenaikan investasi langsung (FDI) mencapai 44,2% yoy atau sebesar Rp 654 triliun (USD 45.6 bn). KONTAN/Baihaki/16/03/2023

FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT - JAKARTA. With only three months remaining in the term of the "Indonesia Onward" Cabinet, the government continues to vigorously court foreign investment. The government has recently introduced a policy known as the Indonesian golden visa. This service is designed to facilitate foreign nationals in investing and working in Indonesia. 

Previously, the government had proposed the establishment of a family office, also intended to attract investment from the world's wealthiest individuals to Indonesia. In a testament to the seriousness of this proposal, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan admitted to visiting Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, to study the concept of a family office. 

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Editor: Syamsul Azhar
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