Blue Bird (BIRD) Eyes Revenue from School Holidays

June 04, 2024, 10.40 PM  | Reporter: Venny Suryanto
Blue Bird (BIRD) Eyes Revenue from School Holidays

ILUSTRASI. Bigbird Premium Fleet: Big Bird Premium Unit Alpha Bus at launch in Jakarta, Wednesday (19/2). PT> Blue Bird Tbk introduces the newest fleet of tourist buses, namely Bigbird Alpha Premium and Bigbird Bravo Premium, which offer comfort and luxury so that consumers get a different experience when traveling for family or business purposes. KONTAN/BAihaki/19/2/2020

TRANSPORTATION BUSINESS - JAKARTA. JAKARTA. PT Blue Bird Tbk (BIRD), a prominent transportation issuer, also known as Bluebird, is setting its sights on business growth this year. Bluebird's management is confident that this year's revenue growth will reach double digits.

Bluebird is optimistic that this target will be achieved, especially with the boost in transportation demand expected during the mid-year school holiday season, particularly for buses and Cititrans.

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Editor: Syamsul Azhar
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