BJBR Will Issue Bonds, Targeting Funds of IDR 3 Trillion

June 11, 2024, 01.25 AM  | Reporter: Nurtiandriyani Simamora
BJBR Will Issue Bonds, Targeting Funds of IDR 3 Trillion

ILUSTRASI. Customer service explains the Hajj financing funds to customers after the Bank Mega Syariah Building Relocation Celebration event KCP Bandung Pasirkaliki, on Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto, Bandung City, West Java, Thursday (7/3/2024). The relocation of the Bank Mega Syariah Sub-Branch Office (KCP) Bandung Pasirkaliki Building is a form of Bank Mega Syariah's commitment to providing the best sharia banking services and reaching more loyal customers in accessing sharia banking products, programs and services in Bandung. Bank Mega Syariah is currently focused on targeting the retail segment by continuing to carry out digital transformation, starting from simplifying internal processes to developing digitalization of products and services. (JABAR TRIBUN/GANI KURNIAWAN)

BANKING - JAKARTA. PT BPD Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk (BJBR), also known as Bank BJB, is set to issue its Continuous Subordinated Bonds IV shortly. The bank aims to raise at least IDR  3 trillion from the bond offering.  

According to the company's public announcement, Bank BJB has revealed plans to issue the first phase of its Continuous Subordinated Bonds IV in 2024, with a principal amount of up to IDR 1.5 trillion. 

Read Also: Wijaya Karya Receives Approval for Extension of Principal Repayment Sukuk and Bonds

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