Bank Muamalat saw 51% profit rise in H1

August 15, 2013, 10.04 AM  | Reporter: Dyah Megasari
Bank Muamalat saw 51% profit rise in H1

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JAKARTA. PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia posted Rp372.20 billion (US36.1 million) in net profits for the first half of 2013, a 51.27 percent increase from the same period of last year, according to their financial report.

Bank Muamalat’s net earnings as of June 2013 reached Rp 1.25 trillion, compared to Rp 868.33 billion in June 2012.

Margins for murabaha, a type of riba-free transaction, totaled Rp 925.23 billion, or an increase of 47.22 percent from the 2012 figure.

Muamalats earnings from musharakah, or partnerships, reached Rp 746.65 billion, higher than the Rp 461.64 billion in June 2012.

As of the first semester of 2013, Bank Muamalat managed Rp 47.92 trillion in assets, or up 46.59 percent from the same period in 2012. Meanwhile, PT Bank Ekonomi Raharja (BAEK) on the other hand reported a fall in net profits to Rp 105.33 billion, down 23.34 percent from last year’s Rp 137.4 billion.

Bank Ekonomi Raharja, a member of HSBC Group, recorded Rp 26.59 trillion in assets as of June 30 2013.



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