Amar Bank to Distribute Dividends of IDR 55 Billion, Check Out the Schedule

June 06, 2024, 06.25 AM  | Reporter: Selvi Mayasari
Amar Bank to Distribute Dividends of IDR 55 Billion, Check Out the Schedule

ILUSTRASI. Amar Bank managed to record a net profit of IDR 177.9 billion, growing 214.5% annually (year-on-year); a performance that illustrates significant business growth amidst intense competition in the digital banking industry.

JAKARTA, Indonesia — PT Bank Amar Indonesia Tbk, a digital bank serving the retail and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) segments, has announced a cash dividend distribution schedule of IDR 55 billion, equivalent to a Dividend Payout Ratio of 31% of the company's net profit in 2023, which amounted to IDR 177.9 billion.

The dividend distribution was decided at the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) of Bank Amar, held on Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

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