This is Prodia Widyahusada's (PRDA) Strategy to Achieve Revenue Increase in 2024

April 19, 2024, 02.15 PM  | Reporter: Venny Suryanto
This is Prodia Widyahusada's (PRDA) Strategy to Achieve Revenue Increase in 2024

ILUSTRASI. Prodia Office

LISTED COMPANY - JAKARTA. PT Prodia Widyahusada Tbk (PRDA) is preparing a variety of strategies to achieve better growth by 2024. The company aims for its revenue growth to exceed Indonesia's GDP, which the government targets at around 5.2%. 

Prodia Widyahusada's CEO, Dewi Muliaty, explained that the company's revenue target is expected to double from Indonesia's GDP in 2024. This will be accompanied by various expansions and strategies prepared by the company. 

One of the preparations is Prodia's consistency in launching at least 10 new tests each year. Currently, PRDA offers more than 3,000 types of tests available to the public, both for preventive and routine tests.

Prodia Widyahusada is also committed to continuously updating and increasing doctor consultation services in the company's clinics and through the ProdiaLink digital application. 

The company is also planning the development of outlets or clinics every year. This year, Prodia will add one to two outlets. Then add  20-30 point-of-care (POC'S), 1 or 2 clinical labs and Hospital Cooperation (KRS), as well as 1 specialty clinic (Prodia Women Health Care, Prodia Children Health Care, and Prodia Senior Health Care).

"The development of outlets until 2023 is as many as 295 outlets or a growth of 7% compared to the previous year, and in 2024 we will also add 1-2 branches," said Dewi in a Public Expose Presentation, Thursday (18/4). 



Dewi added, PRDA is preparing a capital expenditure (capex) ranging from Rp 250 billion to Rp 300 billion, which will be used for the development of information technology & digital, development & capacity improvement of laboratory equipment, and development of new outlets. 

In detail, the capex or capital expenditure for 2024 will be used around 30%-35% for  the development of information technology & digital, then 40%-45% for the development & capacity improvement of laboratory equipment, and the rest for the development of outlets.

This year, Prodia will still focus on digital development as a strategy to achieve end-of-year growth, as well as prioritizing quality service based on customer centric.

Editor: Syamsul Azhar

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